Where the (OSGi) world is going after Devcon Europe?

Published by Filippo Diotalevi on 5th July 2009 (last update 5th July 2009)

The latest OSGi Devon Europe (Zurich, June 22th) has been quite a peculiar conference.
Very small, compared to Jazoon, Devoxx or even some italian JavaDays; very technical, with solid contents and just a few marketing presentations; and literally packed with news, presentations of new projects and specifications.

In a sense, it was a good representation of the OSGi movement in Europe: small, focused, and tremendously innovative. But maybe lacking some of the fundamental "soft skills" (ability to market ideas and to present innovation to non-geeks in a interesting way) that can make the difference from an excellent technology and a successful one.

In any case, here's a list of the most interesting developments in the OSGi world:

  • R4.2 is coming, and with it the Remote Services specification (Eclipse ECF and Apache CXF are the first implementations). With Remote Services OSGi won't be considered (finally) just "SOA in a JVM" anymore, but a real distributed technology; another step toward the real Pervasive OSGi.
  • The Blueprint Service specification will standardize the dependency injection mechanism proposed by Spring DM
  • The "Enterprise Edition" of OSGi will come next year, bringing more interoperability between Java EE components and OSGi
  • The "Provisioning war" has officially started with the presentation of Apache Ace and Eclipse P2
  • Mobile OSGi is coming, and more and more companies are working on that; Sprint Titan, Prosyst and Luminis are paving the way, but something is moving also in the open source arena

On a personal note, OSGi Devcon has also represented a turning point, since it was the first event I could hand out business cards of my OSGi consultancy, and my first OSGi conference after being elected Apache Felix committer.

So, a lot of things going on!