Season of (small) changes
Published by 18th October 2009
(last update 18th October 2009)
2009 so far has been quite busy: I've started my own company in January, but I haven't been able to do much with it being busy contracting for Vodafone. Then I had the opportunity to become every month more involved in the OSGi community, first being elected committer of Apache Felix, going to ApacheCon and OSGi DevCon Europe, then talking with different people and companies interested in applying this technology in their products. Finally, I'm getting ready for a busy November when I'll fly to Milano for JaxItalia and then to Antwerp for Devoxx in the space of the week. More details on these conferences in future posts (hopefully). Going to the (small) changes of the title: my resolution for the last trimester of 2009 is to limit the consulting work to (at most) 60% of the time, to focus on some product ideas and on expanding my business. Starting from tomorrow, when I'll enjoy my first "free day" since months. |
A lot to things to figure out yet: how to organize my time, without strict deadlines and clear requirements, and avoid to waste time surfing the net (and playing Farmville :| ). And how to market my ideas, demos and company.
A lot of new stuff, interesting stuff though.