Week 1

Published by Filippo Diotalevi on 8th January 2011 (last update 8th January 2011)

Week 1 of 2010 has been particularly eventful. It seems like everybody woke up after the Christmas break and decided to contact me!

First of all, I finished reading Metaprogramming Ruby; more than a book, a great experience! I already suggested it to many people, but if you are interested in Ruby, read it by any mean!

A few people suggested me new events to add to my Startup/Tech European events list: now is more complete than ever! Have a look at it and choose your events for the first quarter of 2011.

I've started by Ruby on Rails development contract; I cannot blog much about that, but I'm having a lot of fun improving my Ruby and Rails skills.

I've also reached an agreement for another consulting contract for the first trimester of 2011; it's going to be more a performance and architecture review job than a coding one, but hopefully it will turn out to be interesting.

Finally, I've had some free hours on Sunday to put together a Trunk.ly Ruby client; it is still incomplete and possibly buggy, but it's already on GitHub. Give it a try. Trunk.ly is still a young service, but very promising