Week 5
My bi-weekly update... a few interesting things happened.
Unexpectedly, I started working on my first iPhone/iPad application. That's something I didn't foresee because my objective-C skills are virtually not-existent, but my friends at The Dusseldorf Experiment are helping me out. My goal is to create a mobile application for Trunk.ly, the new bookmarking service I use. The iPhone version is ready (albeit minimal), I hope to be able to start the iPad one this week. And no, I don't want to become an objective-C developer; I already have my problems switching daily between Ruby and Java.
Last weekend I attended the startup weekend in Bruxelles; like my previous experience in Austin I enjoyed the event so much, but this time our team also went on to win the price for the geekiest project. That's a screencast of the demo if you are interested.
Unfortunately I had to miss Fosdem this year; I was planning to go on Sunday, but a bad cold convinced me to stay home.
I read Start Small, Stay Small by Rob Walling. I have mixed feeling about this book: while it offers a lot of useful suggestions, if you (like me) have already read all the possible books about SEOs, bootstrapping startups, lean startups and outsourcing to Virtual Assistants, this book won't tell you anything more. So, it's a useful summary, but nothing really new.
Usual contracting work going on, nothing new on that side. The three contracts I have are more than enough to keep me very busy right now, so I don't see any news in this area at least until April.